TV and Pretend Knitting

I’m sitting on my couch in the living room along with the rest of my family, we are watching TV. We are all enjoying some wholesome family program and all of a sudden there is a scene in which someone is “knitting.” It is extremely obvious that the actor/actress has absolutely no idea how to even begin to knit and that the long scarf hanging from the knitting needles was put there by some prop manager. This bothers me a little more than it should. “Obviously that girl (or grandma or woman) doesn’t know how to knit.” and then someone replies with “Why would they need to know, it’s just a TV show?” Well, when someone pretends to play a guitar they at least know how to pretend to hold their fingers over the strings for a chord and strum. Or, when someone is pretending to drive they know they have to hold the steering wheel and move it at lease a little bit. And if someone is pretending to cook they know they should turn the knobs on the stove. Why wouldn’t the actor pretending to knit be instructed on how to at least hold the needles right and move them in the right way. It is a slap in the face to knitters, well maybe it’s not that dramatic. But it sure is annoying to see.

The picture is of Sophia Grace and Rosie on Sam and Cat, a popular show on Nickelodeon, and the knitting needle is being held like a pencil pointed to the wrong spot in the work. I know I know, they are just little girls, but surely someone on that set should have been able to show her how to hold it right. Ok, I’m of my soap box, for now.

Rosie McClelland, Sophia Grace Brownlee


(Gwen reading and Ruby Knitting from

Camping outside



Spring has finally sprung and this girl is ready for some out-door activity. I have been cooped up in the four walls (well maybe more than four) all winter long, and it was a long one let me tell ya! This winter didn’t seem like it would ever end, we had a record number of snow days this year.

No more shall we suffer through another cold icy night with nothing to warm us but the fire. Ok, so that only happened one time, but still…it makes you appreciate the fact that you crochet warm fuzzy things. Am I right?

My husband and I have talked about taking my son camping before, but the idea of a small toddler toddling around an open flame just didn’t sit well with us. We put it off. I think the best starter would be a hiking day, and then after a few of those we can think about camping. THE GREAT OUTDOORS, HERE WE COME!!

And yes, I will be taking my hook and yarn…no electricity needed for that!


Pattern Round Up: Scarves

With the Spring season quickly descending up on us and Winter trying to make a break for it for the year, it is almost time to put away those cold weather clothes. Get those heavy coats, mittens, sweaters, hats, and so on that will go without use for the next several months and stuff them in a box to go in the top of the closet. Here in my part of the country, however, winter has a hard time making up its mind about whether it is gone or merely playing possum. So, since we are still having some nippy weather for the time being, let us take a look at a few scarf patterns that will do well in the chilly, yet not icy, weather.

One Skein Quick Crochet Scarves: from YARNGEAR. This is not a very thick scarf so it is good for the transition between seasons. Also, It would be quick to work up so it can be used for the last few chilly weeks.

This Long Crocheted Scarf: from Drops Design. This scarf is absolutely beautiful and I would love to make one, it’s just one of those projects I never seem to find time for. It would be perfect for a cool spring night around a camp fire. mmmmmm camping….

Shore Thing Scarf: from Red Heart Yarn. Again, this is a nice, thin scarf. Very light weight. Not so thick it will be too bulky, yet enough to wrap around a time or two to block the wind from your neck.

Taffy Pull Scarf: by Red Heart Yarn. This was one of my first scarfs to make. It has an interesting appearance and looks more complicated that it is. It works up quick and can be made very colorful for spring. I’ve included a picture of my version of the Taffy Pull Scarf below.



Working hard for the money

One thing that seems to be on everybody’s mind is money, money, money. How to make more of it, how to save it, how to spend it. There are even several songs on the subject springing from every genre and decade. Money is hard to come by these days and it seems as if everything is just getting more expensive while the all mighty dollar is just out of reach, especially if you have a family to care for.
I have been blessed with a husband that works very hard to support myself and my son. I was able to be a stay at home mom for the first two years of my son’s life and now I am going to school; all the while being supported by my amazing husband.
One thing that helps us when funds are running low is the surprisingly lucrative hobbies of crochet and knitting. I don’t have time to constantly turn out projects to sell, but when times get tough I generally can whip up a few things and help out that extra little bit that makes all the difference in making sure we have gas to get to work and school as well as food to put in our bellies at home.


I’ve been every where, man

This week I went on a small family trip that took about four driving hours to each our intended destination. The little town we went to was tiny and had next to nothing in the way of entertainment, food options, or lodging. We visited this little hole in the country because my husband had just completed a thirteen week training program and he is finally finished so we went to see the finishing ceremony.
So, while I was in the middle of Nowheresville trying to kill time I, as any crocheters or knitter worth their salt would, found a way to kill some time by working on my crochet. As I was sitting in our little hotel room crocheting away I started thinking about this new movement if tagging public areas with crochet or knitting called yarn bombing. I, being the law abiding citizen I am, have never been brave enough to do something so bold. But I have seen some work put up by others, and it always seems to brighten its surroundings. So since I am too chicken to doing my own yarn bombing (kudos for thinking about it though!) I want to tip my proverbial hat to those crocheters and knitters out there that have participated in such a beautiful and thrilling task. May your works of art forever brighten our world!


My stash


Every yarn artist (that’s what I like to call myself) has a dirty little, not so secret,  problem. Yarn addiction. It’s a real thing people. The picture up top is of my yarn stash. I can’t seem to control myself. Granted I so not put myself in debt over it, and I haven’t taken a second mortgage on the house, but every time I think of a new project I want to start I just don’t seem to have the right yarn for it. Even with the huge stash of random yarn bits, I never have the right one. I need the right color, oh and I never seem to have any bully yarn when I need it, and I can’t very we’ll make a baby hat with wool now can I? See what I mean? Any excuse to go out and buy yarn is good enough for me. My loving husband even picks up a skein every once in a while just to be sweet, kinda like flowers.

The stash you see is stored in a wooden quilt box my Daddy made sometime around the time I was born, and it is in my living room, and full of that sweet, sweet yarn.
So, my fellow crocheters and knitters out there, you are not alone. There are kindred spirits out there and you have found one in me. LONG LIVE THE YARN STASH! And may it never run low!




I’ve always wanted to start a blog and now I am imparting on that journey at last. I have many loves in my life and two of my regular indulgences are wine and crochet. As a mom, a wife, and a college student I have a stressful life by nature. I am a tightly wound person and everything I do in my life is generally trying to relax. Wine is a lovely way to kick back and do just that. Crocheting puts me in a very zin like place. I want to share my knowledge of these two great things so that maybe someone out there can get as much joy from them as I do.