I’ve been every where, man

This week I went on a small family trip that took about four driving hours to each our intended destination. The little town we went to was tiny and had next to nothing in the way of entertainment, food options, or lodging. We visited this little hole in the country because my husband had just completed a thirteen week training program and he is finally finished so we went to see the finishing ceremony.
So, while I was in the middle of Nowheresville trying to kill time I, as any crocheters or knitter worth their salt would, found a way to kill some time by working on my crochet. As I was sitting in our little hotel room crocheting away I started thinking about this new movement if tagging public areas with crochet or knitting called yarn bombing. I, being the law abiding citizen I am, have never been brave enough to do something so bold. But I have seen some work put up by others, and it always seems to brighten its surroundings. So since I am too chicken to doing my own yarn bombing (kudos for thinking about it though!) I want to tip my proverbial hat to those crocheters and knitters out there that have participated in such a beautiful and thrilling task. May your works of art forever brighten our world!


The Beard Beanie

One of the best things about crocheting and knitting is making things for my family. I love creating a great piece and putting it on my little guy and seeing the smile on his face. When I make him something new I let him pick the pattern and the colors so when he finally gets to use it he is so excited. My little guy loves Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty and he loves beards, so naturally I had to make him a beard beanie. I looked all over the internet for a perfect pattern and finally found I’m Topsy Turvy’s Crochet Bobble Beanie pattern. It took no time to whip it up and put it on him and he thought it was just the coolest thing ever. So, without further ado, here is the beard beanie cuteness!!

owen beard hat